Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Will You?

"When people walk away from you. Let them go! Your destiny is never tied to anyone who leaves you, and it doesn't mean they are bad people. It just means that their part in your story is over."


Hakeem Yusof said...

truestory :)

APi said...

move on..
our life more important to save than him/her/them .. =)

Pocket said...

but do keep a token from them as memories.. atleast not for them, but for us.. just to remind the good old time, or maybe the bad..

the sweet vacation.. or the sour one.

just so that we wont be repeating the same mistake?

nurkaloi said...

jaz say goodbye with smile

Cikgu Kasim Gugel said...


Lysa said...

so true, but just keep them as a friend in your heart :)

Chegu said...

Agree, mcm lagu D'masiv, jgn menyerah

Syukuri apa yg ada,
Hidup adalah anugra,
Tetap jalani idup ini,
Melakukan yg terbaik...


Chegu said...

Agree, mcm lagu D'masiv, jgn menyerah

Syukuri apa yg ada,
Hidup adalah anugra,
Tetap jalani idup ini,
Melakukan yg terbaik...


Chegu said...

Agree, mcm lagu D'masiv, jgn menyerah

Syukuri apa yg ada,
Hidup adalah anugra,
Tetap jalani idup ini,
Melakukan yg terbaik...


Unknown said...

but somethimes they will come back~

faizalnizam said...


cimon said...

Treasure the moment we played in their stories.Thats important to be remembered. (^v^)

ST said...
